Crappy blurry picture, sorry, camera sucks occasionally.
I now have my own corner at the shop filled with my handiwork, which is very exciting for me. Now I just need to make sure that I put all that money :::::rolls off the chair laughing:::::: away to buy supplies!!
I have stitch markers, earrings and a half basket of hand dyed yarn. I am debating putting out some of my hand spun also.

Here it is with the famous feathers and fan shawl (Eugen Buegler)
Here it is with the famous feathers and fan shawl (Eugen Buegler)
I finished spinning up some heavy lace weight the other day and started Krista, a fantastic doily. The pattern is not very large, but plan on adding to the outside and making it as big as I can. In this case the amount of yarn will dictate the size of the doilie. I have been translating this and several other patterns from Danish to English in the past months. It has been a challenge, but with the help of Yarn Over's Dictionary and Nurhanne (who emailed me back a translation in record time, which I am so grateful) I can actually get through all the lace patterns even if I haven't translated it out. That means that I can read (not speak) Danish if it relates to knitting!! I am so proud of myself.
The problem with this is that since I am translating, and the patterns are not charted and so forth, mistakes are easily made. The problem being that I cast on 8 st, when I should have cast on 6. That means I did 8 repeats instead of 6. That means that it won't come out as a circle, but rather some ruffled thingy (not what I want AT ALL). That means that I have to frog the whole thing and start over. I spent all weekend on that damn thing. GRRRR. I only realized that this morning as I was reformatting the pattern so I could put in PDF form. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH. I can't wait to design the rest of it and now I am behind. This is to be one of my crowning glories as a lace knitter and I have to GO BACK!!! I am so frustrated at the moment, can you tell?
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