I also started a bag that I plan to felt. That's right I am planning to felt something. Expanding my horizons or something like that. I was at Hobby Lobby on Friday and found some felting yarn in a gorgeous colorway that was on sale for $1.97/ ball. Of course I bought it guilt free. I also pulled out some of my needle tatting and realized that the colors go perfectly with the yarn I bought. So accidently a project was born. The tatting was originally going to be just a doily but since I plan on felting this bag I think I will sew it on as decoration. Can't wait to finish that!

More exciting news, I am finally getting my Christmas present from my mom (not her fault, they weren't available). Harmony needles from Knit Picks, the whole set!! Yay, can't wait to try them out.
I will take some pics this evening and post them if I can get online tonight.
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