Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Stitch Markers
Here is little blurb on my markers:
"For You By Me stitch markers are hand made and unigue with either silver plated or gold plated findings and high quality gemstones. Each marker is soldered shut and great care is taken to ensure that there is no way for your yarn to get snagged."
I also offer free repair for stitch markers in the event that they are damaged.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
He's here!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Monroe doesn't suck anymore!!
Even more than petting fun yarns, the atmosphere in the shop makes it feel like home. I was almost hesitant to sit around, but the second I walked in I felt like I was in my living room with a bunch of new friends. We knit, we talked and we schemed. I met a few new people and I even sold a bunch of stitch markers. I actually left the LYS with more money than I came in with. Amazing.
So my new name is the "Guru" the knitting guru to be exact. I know that I have only been knitting for two years, but it seems that I have a larger base of understanding than other knitters who have been knitting that long. I don't know if it has anything to do with the sheer quantity of projects or the level of difficulty that I am willing to take on with absolutely no experience. It probably has to do with both though. There are a few things that I understand very well, biochemical pathways, bacteria....knitting. I should really do something with the design ideas I have. I did by some more Berrocco Bonsai today so that I could work on my shorts only to remember that I have no idea what I did with the waist band that I have made.
I think some of the most interesting comments I have heard about knitting lately is the desire to knit in a more "mainstream" fashion. I know I have said it before although probably not here, but knitting is all about freedom of expression, creativity and ingenuity. I don't believe there is a wrong way of knitting as long as you produce the result that you like. Never listen to anyone say "that's the wrong way." Pick, throw, hold your yarn as you please. I think that some ways of holding yarn help maintain gauge though. Do what your comfortable with.
In other news, I finished my SWS pillow, stuffed and all. Wooohoo I CAN finish things!! I have to stay up late tonight for reasons untold, so I have some time on my hands. We are leaving in an hour to get the puppy. Squeeee!!
Better get ready, I just went into the black hole of crafts and managed to find the lost box of knitting and my bonsai shorts. Off I go!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The countdown continues.....
I usually try not to talk about anything personal on this blog but Rusty left a huge hole and I know from experience that while a puppy will never make one forget a great dog, they certainly help fill it up.
Enough wallowing....
Well I think that is enough rambling for today, I better get back to getting something useful accomplished.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
new puppy!

This is Sis's Big Shot and I'm not saying that he is the pup we are getting, but he is definitely one we are looking at. So Saturday we are leaving early to Pinehill Kennels to go get a puppy.
Hold on folks, this is not just a blog about a dog (haha, I'm a poet), I started knitting a collar for the new puppy. So it might be just a little embarrassing for a bird dog to be wearing a knitted collar, but how do you think he's going to feel when he gets booties and a sweater.
More of Heather's shawl yarn
What's on the needles-
What's not....I have been casting on fairly promiscuously in the last few days to deal with the loss. I did finish Hunter's fuzzy sweater and my felted bag.
What's on the hook-
I bought some Paton's SWS (cause the colors are SOOO pretty) and I'm starting a decrative pillow, I need to get more. Just hdc's, nothing special.
The felted bag. Yes lets talk about felting. I think that my first REAL felting project may be my last. It looks cute when it's just sitting there but it really is not that great for actually carrying anything. Hmm that might be a problem. Well I guess that will go in the pile of FOs that just didn't turn out how I had hoped along with the shrug I felted acidently, Chrissy's afghan, Hunter's boa yarn cardie, Hunter's jacket, Joe's sweater, yada yada yada.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Goodbye Rusty

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monroe will still suck for another week
We are supposed to be meeting tonight with possibly 4 people. That is if dh lets me go.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monroe Stitch N Bitch

I also started a bag that I plan to felt. That's right I am planning to felt something. Expanding my horizons or something like that. I was at Hobby Lobby on Friday and found some felting yarn in a gorgeous colorway that was on sale for $1.97/ ball. Of course I bought it guilt free. I also pulled out some of my needle tatting and realized that the colors go perfectly with the yarn I bought. So accidently a project was born. The tatting was originally going to be just a doily but since I plan on felting this bag I think I will sew it on as decoration. Can't wait to finish that!

More exciting news, I am finally getting my Christmas present from my mom (not her fault, they weren't available). Harmony needles from Knit Picks, the whole set!! Yay, can't wait to try them out.
I will take some pics this evening and post them if I can get online tonight.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Knitting in Monroe
Well the joy is back! Threads Unlimited Knits will be opening on Feb. 15!!!!!!!!!! That means not only do I have a yarn shop within driving distance, I have a yarn shop that is 5 min. away, something I have never been fortunate enough to have.
Of course I am a fiend so I stalked the yarn shop and was welcomed in by the owner Ro. She is a wonderful lady. Of course the fact that she opened a yarn shop in the wool deficient town of Monroe already makes her great, but she exemplifies what a knitter and a LYS owner should be. I plan on stopping by as soon as I get out my weekly lab meeting. The monkey will be at school so I figure I will have a couple hours to shop, and then hang out and knit with some people with the same rediculous compulsion as me.
Speaking of those with my same illness, I am starting a Stitch 'N Bitch group with the help of my new found friend from Ravelry (the best site EVER), Tonya. She has as much enthusiasm as I do and for now it will just be the two of us. Hopefully some more Monroe-ians will want to join. I think it would be awesome to have a group of hard core fiber lovers to discuss what makes us tick. I love hanging out with other knitters, hearing their critique of my work and so forth. Not to mention having someone to show off to, hehe. Non-knitters just don't get excited when you show them the fabulous new yarn you bought for an ubelievable bargain or finish a project. At least not with the same ferver.
What's on the needles--
Heather's Wedding Shawl (Mediterrenian Lace). I can post this cause I know she (or for that matter anyone else) reads my posts
I'm using a handspun lace yarn that I can spin more if needed. Got to give undyed fiber props
for something.
I've been dragging my feet on Hunter's sweater. I only have to shape the neck left but it's hard to get excited due to the fact I had the AC on in Feb. I still have to rip back to fix where I fucked up the neck shaping and "dream" doesn't lend itself to easy frogging. It will be cute but it won't be a spectacular piece, more utility.
What's on the wheel--
Surprisingly it's not the above yarn. I will need more of that but for now I have a heavy lace yarn from a merino/tussah silk roving that was laying around screaming "Make Lace Yarn"
What's on the hook--
Nothing. Mom took my favorite size fancy crochet hook